感謝您蒞臨C’BON (JAPAN NETWORK TRADING COMPANY)在第32屆回中國(深圳)國際禮品展的攤位。
Skin is a mirror of the mind.
It is affected not only by UV rays and dirt,but also by stress and aging.
The skin has a rhythm.
Changes in turnover, hormonal cycles, etc., appear directly on the skin.
Skin and brain are linked.
Taking care of your skin means taking care of your brain (heart).
Taking care of the brain (heart) means taking care of the skin.
The most powerful tool to care for the skin is the hand.
C’BON advocates skincare that “Talk to your Skin.”

Science of the Skin and Mind
自 1966 年創立以來,C’BON 一直是東方美学的先驱,受到日本皇室的高度重視。 所有产品均在自家的研发中心和工厂中精益求精,從研发、生产、銷售到細节都受到徹底的控制,以確保卓越而穩定的品質。 C’BON 在化妝品和医药不外品的研发過程中,堅持不做任何动物实验(包括外包)的政策。
All C’BON products are perfected in our own R&D centers and factories, where every detail, from R&D to production and marketing, is thoroughly controlled to ensure outstanding and consistent quality. C’BON maintains a policy of not conducting any animal testing (including outsourcing) in the research and development of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

2024 年 2 月,我們取得 ISO 22716 認證 (化妝品 GMP),這是化妝品製造品質與安全的國際標準。
In February 2024, we obtained ISO 22716 certification (cosmetics GMP), an international standard for quality and safety in cosmetics manufacturing.

1971年,日本皇室成员高松宫殿下、妃殿下、 参观访问了C’BON宇都宫工厂。
In 1971, a member of the Japanese royal family, His Highness, Mrs. Takamatsu, visited the C’BON Utsunomiya factory.

本产品也建议美容院经营者使用。 体验沙龙品质的基础化妆品。
By changing the cleansing and face wash, customer satisfaction can be greatly increased at a fraction of the cost. This product is also recommended for salon managers. Experience salon-quality basic cosmetics.
您可以订购自己设计的 OEM 产品,最低订购量約為 3,000 件。如需更多資訊,請與我們聯絡 info@janet-trading.
You can order OEM products of your own design with a minimum order quantity of about 3,000 pieces.For more information, please contact us at admin@janet-trading.com

C’BON 庆祝成立 60 周年。1994 年上市以來長期暢銷的高效能按摩霜(洁面霜) Masser。2024年 7 月 1 日 C’BON 上市新処方的产品。
C’BON celebrated its 60th anniversary with the launch of Masser, a long-selling high-performance massage cream (cleansing cream) since 1994, and the launch of a new treatment on July 1, 2024.
马蹄莲提出物具有抑制压力荷尔蒙所造成的 NGF(皮膚損傷因子)表現的額外功能。
Calla lily extract has the added function of inhibiting the performance of NGF (skin damage factor) caused by stress hormones.

Talk to your Skin.
請參閱幻燈片,瞭解各產品的說明。See slides for descriptions of each product.

JAPAN NETWORK TRADING COMPANY will be responsible for the distribution of C’BON.
✉️ admin@janet-trading.com

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